Biographical Info
Based in Batesville, Arkansas, Pro Se Productions is a leading independent Publisher on the cutting edge of New Pulp and Genre Fiction today.
Genre Fiction, particularly that written in the Pulp Style, is known by many names. Fiction featuring action and adventure, fast paced, larger than life protagonists and antagonists, over the top characters and tight, yet extravagant plots, is experiencing a resurgence like never before. And Pro Se , publishing New Pulp and Genre Fiction since April, 2010, is a major modern force in the revival!
Pro Se is the place to find Super Heroes, Explorers, Fairies, Werewolves, Men’s Men, Femme Fatales and more. If you’re a fan of Westerns, Romances, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Hard Core Crime, and any other Genre available, Pro Se has what you want to read. Specializing in prose books, anthologies, magazines, audiobooks, and more, Pro Se has made a commitment to ‘Put the Monthly Back into Pulp’ and continues to do that successfully, producing at least one new work every month!
Pro Se is an innovator in the Genre Fiction market, continually refining its presentation and product and working on exciting new veins of New Pulp to bring to readers and fans of all ages everywhere!